Japanese dish
Recommended time to eat
Every meal
Recommended for
All people
Composition (Per 100g or 3.5 oz)
Energy 24.96 Kcal, Water 88.88 %, Protein 2.99 %, Fat 0.136 %, Carbohydrates 5.39 %, Ash 2.21 %, Calcium 35.15 mg, Phosphorus 43.8 mg, Iron 0.487 mg, Sodium 534 mg, Potassium 351 mg, Retinal-mg, Carotene 4.03 micron ‚‡, Retinal Potency 22.52 IU, Thiamin 0.994 mg, Riboflavin 0.062 mg, Niacin 1.97 mg, Ascorbic acid 0.885 mg.
Composition was calculated based on the "Japanese Standard Tables of Food Composition".
Message from the Chef
Green gram (Mung bean) starch noodle was introduced to Japan from China. Especially in the cold dishes in summer.
Ingredients(5 portions)
28g or 1 oz. dried green gram starch noodle
50g or 2 oz. fresh mushroom ("Shimeji")
70g or 3 oz. fresh okra
700cc or 1.5 lbs. ‚reafood stock, See Sea foodstock
7g or 1/4 oz. salt
15g or 1 tbsp. of liquid soy sauce

780g or total(870g or yield)
1. Boil water in a saucepan
2. Put the green gram starch noodle in the boiled water.Turn off the flame and wait for some 5 minutes.
3. Drain the noodle
4. Rinse in under running water and then cut to the length of 5cm.
5. Boil the water in a saucepan.
6. Put okras in the boiled water to boil them for 2 minutes. Cool them under water and cut in half.
7. Put seafood stock in the saucepan, see sauce menu.
8. Add the green gram noodles, okra, mushroom, salt and Soy sauce in 7.
9. Boil them together for 5 minutes.
10. Adjust the amount of water for obtaining suitable yield.

Top left: Dried green gram starch noodle Top right: Fresh okra Bottom left: Fresh mushroom ("Shimeji"), Bottom right: Soy sauce, see Soy sauce direction

01 Dec. 1997