JAPANESE. CLEAR MUSHROOM SOUP("Matsutake no osmashi")

Schedule time
40 minutes
Japanese dish
Recommended time to eat
Every meal
Recommended for
All people
Composition(Per 100g or 3.5 oz)
Energy 20 Kcal, Water 90.9 %, Protein 3.6 %, Fat 0.78 %,
Carbohydrates 2.69 %, Fiber 0.27%, Ash 1.67 %, Calcium 40.37 mg,
Phosphorus 47.8 mg, Iron 0.61 mg, Sodium 320 mg, Potassium 344 mg,
Retinal- mg, Carotene 15 micron ‚‡, Retinal Potency 8 IU,
Thiamin 0.04 mg, Riboflavin 0.077 mg, Niacin 2.11 mg,
Ascorbic acid 0.2 mg.
Composition was calculated based on the "Japanese Standard Tables of Food Composition".
Message from the Chef
The very expensive mushroom, 1 kgi‚QųŨLBS) are10,000- 20,000yen($80-170).
Harvest is@September@to November. Photo is japan soup cup.
Ingredients(5 portions)
80g or 2 oz. Mushroom("Matsutake")
600g or 22 oz. Fish stock See Fish stock
100g or 4 oz. Toufu
2g or 2/1 Teaspoons of salt
15g or 2/1 oz. Soy sauce See ‚roy sauc
797g or 28 oz. in total(797g or 28 yield)
1. Makes a fish stock and Tofu.
2. Cuts Tofu at the die, Cuts Mushroom at the slice.
3. Boils fish stock.
4. Add soy sauce, salt, Tofu. Mushroom.
5. Check the yield, taste and adjust fish stock.

Top left:Mashrooms"Matsutake"
Top rith: Tofu"Tofu"

01 Des. 1997