JAPANESE. PORK GINGER STEAK (Buta on shouga-yaki")

Schedule time
40 minutes
Recommended time to eat
Lunch, Dinner
Recommended for
All peoples
Accompanied drink
Rice wine, Beer, White wine, Whisky.
Composition (Per 100g. or 3.5 oz)
Energy 238 Kcal, Water 62 %, Protein 15.49 %, Fat 16.7 %, Carbohydrates 3.7 %, Ash 1.69 %, Calcium 5.65 mg, Phosphorus 129 mg, Iron 0.78 mg, Sodium 328 mg, Potassium 278 mg, Retinal 3.86 mg, Carotene - micron g, Retinal Potency 13.15 IU, Thiamin 0.8 mg, Riboflavin 0.1536 mg, Niacin 5.32 mg, Ascorbic acid 1.719 mg.
Composition was calculated using the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan.
Message from the Chef
Ginger, soy sauce and pork meat is good combination taste. This has the taste of the soy sauce and ginger culture of Japanese.
Ingredients (5portions)
600g or 21 oz. Pork ribs or loin(Frat, refuse 10 %)
3g or 1 Teaspoon. Salt
20g or 2 Tablespoons. Corn starch
45g or 3 Tablespoons. Salad oil
15g or 1 Tablespoon. *Soy sauce (liquid) Soy sauce direction
15g or 1 Tablespoon. **Rice wine(liquid)
60g or 2 oz. Ginger(fresh)
758g or 27 oz. Total
698g or 25 oz. Yield
1. Pork meat take of the fat, cut thin sliced
2. Add 1. into the container, add ginger grates, soy sauce and rice wine, mixing well
3. 2. add corn starch, mixing well
4. Add salad oil into the saute pan and heat
5. 3. becoming gold brown, See photograph

Top left: Ginger(fresh), Top right: Soy sauce liquid, see Soy sauce direction.
** Rice wine from rice fermentation wine, Energy 113 Kcal, Water 81.4%, Protein 0.5%, Lipid 0%, Non-Fibrous 5%, Fiber 0%, Ash 0,Alcoho 16.5%. Taste resembles white wine.

25 Nov. 1997