Schedule time
40 minutes
Japanese dish
Recommended time to eat
Every meal
Recommended for
All people
Composition(Per 100g or 3.5 oz)
Energy 40 Kcal, Water 89.1 %, Protein 3.76 %, Fat 2.05 %, Carbohydrates 3.08 %, Ash1.62 %, Calcium 56.4 mg, Phosphorus 50.44 mg, Iron 0.68 mg, Sodium 335 mg, Potassium 275 mg, Retinal- mg, Carotene 487 micron ‚‡, Retinal Potency 273 IU, Thiamin 0.042 mg, Riboflavin 0.0345 mg, Niacin 1.02 mg, Ascorbic acid 0.65 mg.
Composition was calculated based on the "Japanese Standard Tables of Food Composition".
Message from the Chef
Edible burdock root is a high-fiber food and helps to prevent against constipation. It stimulates the digestion and will keep you in a stste in which the gas is easily passed.Japanese has been favorinf such vegetables the will be useful for keeping our health.
Ingredients(10 portions)
10g or 2 teaspoon of sesame oil
100g or 4 oz. fresh carrot
100g or 4 oz. fresh edible burdock root(20% refuse)
80g or 3 oz. Ita Konnnyaku (devil's tongue jelly, see Devil's tongue jelly)
30g or 1 oz. fresh mushroom("Shiitake")
400g or 1 lbs. tofu (Momen type)
800g or 2lbs. Seafood stock(See Menu 2 Sauce)
10g or 2 Teaspoons of salt
1530g or 3 lbs. in total(1530g or 3 yield)
1. Scrape off the skin of the edible burdock root using the back of the knife,and shred them.
Put waterina bowl and soak the shred burdock roots in it for about 5 minuts. Then drain them well.
2. Peel the carrots.Strip carrots,Shiitakemushroom and Ita kkonnyaku"
3. Dice tofu to the 2cm squares.
4. Fly the shred burdock root, carrot and shiitake mushtooms with sesami oil in asaucepan.
5. Add Ita konnyaku,salt and seafood stock in the saucepan.Heat them them together unteil vebetabes become soft.
6. Add touf in the saucepan and continue to heat for another 5 minutes.
7. Check the yield and adjust water.

Top left:Tofu, Top right:fresh edible burdock root"Gobou", Top end: Mushroom"Shiitake" , Bottom left: Devil's tongue jelly"Ita Konnnyaku ", Bottom right:Carrot.

1 Dec. 1997