Schedule time
40 minutes
Recommended time to eat
Lunch, Dinner
Recommended for
All peoples but excludes a child
Accompanied drink
Rice wine, Beer, White wine, Whisky.
Composition (Per 100g. or 3.5 oz)
Energy 144 Kcal, Water 28 %, Protein 10 %, Fat 10 %, Carbohydrates 1.7 %, Ash 0.3 %, Calcium 71 mg, Phosphorus 101 mg, Iron 1.1 mg, Sodium 262 mg, Potassium 231 mg, Retinal 1.3 mg, Carotene 83 micron g, Retinal Potency 51 IU, Thiamin 0.33 mg, Riboflavin 0.12 mg, Niacin 1.9 mg, Ascorbic acid 40 mg.
Composition was calculated using the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan.
Message from the Chef
The special food in Okinawa district in the south.
Ingredients (5portions)
250 g or 9 oz. Bitter gourd
400 g or 14 oz. Tofu See Tofu direction
30 g or 1 oz. Salad oil
200 g or 7 oz. Pork meat
54 g or 2 oz. Egg
10 g or 1/3 oz. Soy sauce (liquid) See Soy sauce direction
3 g or 1/10 oz. Salt
0.5 g or 1/60 oz. Pepper
947.5 g or 33 oz. Total, 700 g or 25 oz. Yield
1. Cuts Bitter gourd in the half and slices to 5 mm thickness.
2. Add salt and waits 30 minutes.
3. Washes with water and drains.
4. Tofu drains and cuts at the big die, Wrap Tofu in a clean cheescloths and place a plate or other weight on top. Let sit 15-30 minutes.
5. Heat oil in a frying pan, add Tofu until brown, Remove from pan.
6. Heat oil in a frying pan, add die pork.
7. Add Bitter gourd, Tofu, Salt, Pepper and Soy sauce.
8. Add mixed egg.

Top left: Bitter gourd, Top right: Pork meat, Top end: Touf, Bottom left: Soy sauce liquid, Bottom right: Pepper

12 Sep. 2002