Schedule time
10-22 hours
Japanese dish
Recommended time to eat
Breakfast, lunch, supper
Recommended for
All people
Accompanied drinks
Rice wine, Beer, White wine, Whisky.
Composition(Per 100g or 3.5 oz)
Energy 77 Kcal, Water 86.8 %, Protein 6.8 %, Fat 5.0 %,
Non-Fibrous 0.8 %, Fiber 0.0 g, Ash 0.6 %, Calcium 120 mg,
Phosphorus 85 mg, Iron 1.4 mg, Sodium 3 mg,
Potassium 85 mg, Retinal 0 mg, Carotene 0 micron g,
Retinal Potency 0 IU, Thiamin 0.07 mg, Riboflavin 0.03 mg,
Niacin 0.1 mg, Ascorbic acid 0 mg.
*Composition was calculated based on the "Japanese Standard Tables of Food Composition".
Message from the Chef
There are few characteristics of the taste and liked by anyone. It can be bought anywhere and cheapness.
preservation is about 6 days.
Ingredients (1.6Kg or 56 oz.)
300 g or 11 oz. of soy beans
1800 g of 63 oz. of water
9 g or 3/1 oz. of dehydrated magnesium chloride
2109 g or 74 oz. of total (700-900 g or 25-32 oz. Yield, Yield changes to the weight)
1. Soaks in 3 times of water of the soy beans , winter is 20 hours, summer is 8 hours, After that soy beans 700-750g or 25-26 oz., drains.
2. Makes a puree with the bean and water by the blender.
3. Heat puree in a large saucepan, stirring,"attention" because a lot of bubbles come out, Don't burned.
4. Keep 8 minutes in 85-90 C degree(175F).
5. Squeezes in the cheese crossing, 270g or 10 oz. disposal(Okara).
6. Dissolves dehydrated maguesium chloride with 100 g or 3 oz. water.
7. Heats soy milk to 70-75 C degrees(140F), heats are stop. 1800 cc, Brix 13.
8. Add 6., mixes using sptula or turner.
9. Step 1, 50 g(2oz.) are 4 seconds.
10. Step 2, 50 g(2oz.) are 4 seconds, Stops the movement of liquid in sptula or turner.
11. Covers and waits 15 minutes.
12. Confirms curd, Puts curd into spread cheese cloth in the container, resembles the process of the cheese.
13. Covers with the cheese cloth, puts a sinker on the cloth, removes water, reference on the yield.
14. Removes cheese cloth from the tofu, into 30 minutes water and exchanges water several times.
15. Saves with the refrigerator and keep in water.

Top left: soy beans

25 JAN. 2002