Schedule time
30 minutes
Recommended time to eat
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Recommended for
All peoples.
Accompanied drink
Rice wine, Beer, White wine, Whisky.
Composition(Per 100g or 3.5 oz.)
Energy 41 Kcal, Water 83 %, Protein 2.9 %, Fat 0.18 %, Non-Fibrous 7.5 %, Ash 2.99 %, Calcium 31.8 mg,@Phosphorus 66.1 mg, Iron 1.0 mg, Sodium 689 mg, Potassium 470 mg, Retinal -mg, Carotene 71 micro g, Retinal Potency 40 IU, Thiamin 0.079 mg, Riboflavin 0.096 mg, Niacin 1.1 mg, Ascorbic acid 8.7 mg.
Composition was calculated using the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan.
Message from the Chef
The Japanese like Japonica rice by 100%, but The young person likes bread and Spaghetti.
Ingredients(5 Portions)
300g or 19 oz. Japonica raw rice
330g or 21 oz. Water
630g or 40 oz. Total. 560g or 35 oz. Yield
1. The Japonica rice in covered saucepan, Add 900 g or 2 lbs. water
2. Wash rice by hand
3. Repeat process 4 ties till water is clear
4. Drain water
5. 4. add 330 g or 12 oz. water
6. 5. cover and high heat
7. 6. when water comes to boil
8. 7. reduce heat to cooking 5-8 minutes
9. 8. reduce heat to low cooking 8-15 minutes
10. 9. stop heat, wait 10 minutes

Top left: Rice, Top light: Ear of rice, Top end: Rice field

25 Nov. 1997