JAPANESE. RICE-KOJI ("Kome koji") Rice fermentation seasoning

Schedule time
4 days
Recommended time to eat
Raw materials
Recommended for
Raw materials
Accompanied drink
Raw materials
Composition(Per 100g or 3.5 oz.)
Energy 283 Kcal, Water 33.0 %, Protein 5.5 %, Fat 1.1 %, Non-Fibrous 59.8 %, Fiber 3.0 g, Ash 0.3 %, Calcium 4 mg, Phosphorus 65 mg, Iron 0.1 mg, Sodium 2 mg, Potassium 55 mg, Retinal 0 mg, Carotene 0 micron g, Retinal Potency 0 IU, Thiamin 0.11 mg, Riboflavin 0.17 mg, Niacin 1.7 mg, Ascorbic acid 0 mg.
Composition was calculated using the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan.
Message from the Chef
Koji-mould sells at the supermarket in the winter to spring.
Ingredients (3Kg 7Lbs.)
3 Kg or 7 Lbs. of Rice
30 g or 1 oz. of Koji mould( Aspergillus soyae)
3 Kg or 7 Lbs. of total (3 Kg or 7 Lbs. Yield)
1. Soak a rice with water for 10 hour.
2. Drains with the standing colander.
3. Steaming rice for 40 minutes.
4. Cooling at 40 C steamed rice.
5. Sprinkles Koji-mould on steamed rice and mixing.
6. Transfer the fermentation room, Temperature is 38-40C, Humidity is 50-70 %.
7. Fermentation time is 3 days.

Top left: Aspergillus soyae, Top light: Rice, Top end: Ear of rice, Bottom: Rice field

30 Mar. 2001