JAPANESE. MUSHROOM FRY (Matsutake no fry")

Schedule time
30 minutes
Japanese dish
Recommended time to eat
Lunch or dinner
Recommended for
All people except for infants.
Accompanied drink
Rice wine, Beer, White wine, Whisky.
Composition(Per 100g. or 3.5 oz)
Energy 156 Kcal, Water 67.0 %, Protein 4.2 %,Fat 12.5 %,
Non-Fibrous 15.5 %, Fiber 0.7 g, Ash 1.4 %, Calcium 8 mg,
Phosphorus 51 mg, Iron 1.1 mg, Sodium 242 mg,
Potassium 342 mg, Retinal 0 mg, Carotene 0 micron g,
Retinal Potency 0 IU, Thiamin 0.08 mg, Riboflavin 0.44 mg,
Niacin 5.9 mg, Ascorbic acid 0 mg.
Compositionwas calculated using the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan.
Message from the Chef
At Japan, Mashroom"Matsutake" and Truffe are an near price. There is a good smell.
Ingredients (200 g or 7 oz.)
200 g or 7 oz. of mushroom"Matsutake"
1.0 g or of salt
0.05 g of pepper
5.0 g or 6/1 oz. flouer
40 g or 1 oz. of egg
30 g or 1 3/1 oz. bradcrumbs
30 g or 1 oz. salad oil, average quantity after fried
306.05 g or 11 oz. of total (270 g or 10 oz. Yield)
1. Trimming to mushroom, Washes, slice and season with salt and pepper.
2. Coat mushroom slice with flour, then dip in egg, then roll in breadcrumbs to coat.
3. Heat oil in a large frying pan and deep-frying.
4. Garnishes is "Kabosu" or lemon and mayonnais.

Top Left: mushroom"Matsutake", Top Light: is lemon, Bottom end: white and black pepper

4 JAN. 2002